Assignment - Project Management

In this assignment we have to explore and use website development tools, formulate a final project proposal and identify version control protocols. I have enrolled late for this course, so I missed my first lecture but later I have checked Neils lecture on Vimeo. My course met and colleague Amitraj guide me and send instruction links for reference.

Final Project Proposal

To teach students about light in experimental way later they will able to make their own device in lab. It will teach them about light and also to give them various activities, these activities will be connected to their curricular area

I want to make Light Intensity measuring device, this is for my learning of basic electronics and programing and second important aim to develop this device for Poultry and Poly house farmer’s as well as school students because Light intensity measuring device will help in following way

It will also find applications in Poly house and poultry farmers to maintain proper intensity in poultry and poly house farming, farmers can address question like energy consumption per lamp and light intensity they required so it will make to selection of lamps.

Making Web site and Mercurial set up

This is my first experience to make web site so I am excited for same. I have use css templates, html for same. I am using free templates from html25 and start editing according to my thought

I have installed mercurial set up and Ekiga for video conferencing call. We have POLYCOM MCU at Vigyan Ashram but I am ready with Ekiga too. Which will help me to join individual or incase failure of connectivity at Vigyan Ashram.Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool. 

As per mail (Alex instruction for set up) I go with it.Details as per below,

Machine - Ubuntu 12.04

We have done mercurial set up on machine.

For conference call we go with 'Ekiga' for ubuntu

Installing Mercurial on Ubuntu Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool.
Following steps should be follow while installing Mercurial on Ubuntu and clone the Fab Academy archive.

Step 1: Install Mercurial and Dependancies

Step 2: Key Files

Step 3: Permissions for the Private Key

Step 4: Setting the port

Step 5 Clone the archive

Step 6: Edit the Configuration File

Step 7: Update the Archive

Please click on link for details Mercurial set up

Regarding Ekiga Software,

Ekiga is a opensource software.SIP id that needs to be used is sip: I actualy work on it,then I find some issue that is- Sometimes it connects successfully and disconnects abruptly. Then does not connect for a long times. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is facing this issue big-time.I assumed that may be due internet connectivity problem(because we are try to attained lecture from Pabal which is remote area)this error occured on Ekiga but when I talk with Amit then I realise taht it's internet issue + software issue.So we all attained lecture from 'Polycom'(Pune office)

Regarding my Web page

I create my web page in 'html' and for this I refer basic html tutorial click here

As per instuction I did everything then I download FAB MODULES on ubuntu machine and required software.

I create seperate folder including all data of fab academy.

Doing all this thing it was nice experience. I have done all this thing in team with Amitraj, Tarunima and Suhas but we did individualy on respected machine of fab lab and DIY lab.